The P-shot is a non-surgical, medically proven treatment option for erectile dysfunction. It can help male enhancement by increasing the size and the quality of erection, and boosting sexual performance. It can be used safely by men of all ages who wish to enjoy a healthy and active sex life.
Ideal candidates for the P-shot are men who do not wish to take ED pills or those who cannot take them due to medical reasons such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
The procedure involves the use of penile injections that contain platelet-rich plasma derived from your own blood. The platelet-rich plasma improves blood circulation to the penis and stimulates the production of new cells within the erectile tissue.
A small sample of your blood is collected and used to create the platelet-rich plasma by placing it in a specialized centrifuge. Prior to administering the P-shot, a local anesthetic will be used to minimize discomfort. The entire procedure should take no more than an hour. Immediately following the procedure, a penis pump may be used to enhance the effects of the P-shot. Thereafter, penis pump use is recommended for 20 minutes a day for 2 weeks. The full effect of the P-shot is realized within 1-3 weeks and can last for over a year.
The benefits of the P-shot include:
- Improved quality of erection.
- Improved circulation enhances the effects of medications such as Viagra or Levitra.
- The cost of the P-shot is much less compared to male enhancement surgery. When you consider that the effect of P-shot can last for up to a year, it is even cheaper than many ED pills which require repeated prescriptions.
- The P-shot is non-pharmaceutical and there is no risk of drug interaction with any other medication that you may be on such as diabetes or blood pressure pills.
- There are no side effects or adverse reactions because PRP is derived from your own blood.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Resnik